Grab Your Invite to Air Chat

Wondering how to get an invite to the Air Chat app? You're in the right place. Skip the regular waitlist and start networking, chatting and exploring everything Air Chat has to offer sooner. Buy an invite today.

Get My Air Chat Invite Now ($24)

+274 Invites Sold

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Sign up to Air Chat

Download the Air Chat app and become a member and you will join the waiting list.


Order with one click

Enter your phone number with your area/country code on the order page. For example; (+1 214 843 4343)



We will send your invitation in an average of 1 hour depending on your timezone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join the Airchat community?

How does the payment process work?

What is your refund policy?

How can I contact customer support?

What happens after I purchase?

Is this a legitimate way to join Airchat?